Deliverance by Man

In our world of chaos mankind seeks for answers and seeks for deliverance from the troubles that beset us.  In the United States we see our country collapsing from the inside.  We see riots in the streets.  We see tension between people of different ethnicities.  We see rampant inflation.  We see our government turned against “we the people”.  We see crime going unpunished.  We see the innocent accused and imprisoned.  We see millions of unborn sacrificed on the altar of convenience.  We see clear and obvious lies being told and believed.  We see propaganda spreading unchecked.  We see Left vs. Right with irreconcilable differences.

What we “see” is a political battle.  The reality is that we are in a spiritual battle that is being played out on a political battlefield.  And it’s easy to get this confused.

We as a people have forgotten The Lord.  We have, in fact, forsaken The Lord.  We have seen the many blessings that have been bestowed upon the United States and congratulate ourselves that we have done / achieved / accomplished / accumulated everything by our own efforts and wisdom.  We say with King Nebuchadnezzar, “Is this not Babylon the great which I myself have built . . . by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?”  (Dan. 4:30)  In saying this we have forgotten that the moment King Nebuchadnezzar uttered these words The Lord took the kingdom away from him.

This is, I believe, where we are.

And so, in the midst of this chaos we believe that if only the correct person / political group were in control everything would be resolved.  And so, we get behind the candidate / political party of our choice and do all we can to ensure that they come to power.  We tell ourselves, “Then everything will be OK.”  In our chaos, we seek a deliverer.

Neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris is the answer.  “Deliverance by man is in vain.”  (Ps. 60:11b)  “Stop regarding man!”  (Isa. 2:22)

We need to turn back to The Lord.  We need to seek His Face.  We need to remember and meditate upon the words The Lord spoke to Solomon after the temple was dedicated.  “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.”  (2 Chron. 7:14)